Monday, September 30, 2019

The book “Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom” Report

The book â€Å"Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom† by Lisa Delpit provides detailed overview of popular progressive pedagogies ad special attention is paid to finding ways to deliver the best learning for all students. The central argument is that modern education systems often fail to respond to learning needs of diverse students. We are living in diverse world and every classroom is represented by linguistically and culturally diverse students. In the book Lisa Delpit tends to relate progressive learning methods with dominant culture norms. Delpit claims that mismatch is pervasive and educational institutions should teach students considering their cultural roots as students from non-dominant communities find it difficult to comprehend new culture and to learn. Therefore, the central thesis of the book is that learning theory and learning process are profoundly rooted in the culture and, thus, they can’t be ignored when teaching diverse students. The title of the book is metaphoric as, in such a way, the author shows that our world is culturally diverse and other people’s children should be paid more attention during the studying process. Language and learning peculiarities of colour students is often being repressed and assailed. Statistics is really shocking – too many professionals tend to fully ignore cultural factors when they work with students from other courtiers. When students are ‘other people’s children’, the author means that those students are non-white population. Delpit combines theoretical framework with practice and, therefore, her recommendations and reflections are well grounded. As far as the author is educational and sociolinguist anthropologist, analytics and criticism are both present. The author describes practical implementation of her theories and shows that after two decades of practices progressive pedagogies do have benefits. For example, the author describes her experiments in the culturally diverse classroom in Native Alaskan schools and in Inner City. Despite educational settings are located in different places, the results are apparent: progressive pedagogies are of great importance as children feel more comfortable and more confident when teachers consider their cultural peculiarities. The first section â€Å"Controversies Revisited† defends Delpit’s evocative ideas. Her essay â€Å"The Silenced Dialogue† is a critical response for essay â€Å"Skills and Other Dilemmas of a Progressive Black Educator†. Delpit reproaches advocates of whole language because she believes that writing process instructions should be changed and should match learning needs of children from non-dominant cultures. The second section â€Å"Lessons from Home and Abroad: Other Cultures and Communities† offers two informative and factful articles fleshing vision of schools. The author shares her personal international experiences and illustrates two conflicts. In such a way, she is willing to maximize the educational potential culturally diverse students. The conflicts are defined as the following: firstly, context vs. the de-contextualizing rituals of mainstream schooling; secondly, human connectedness vs. the dehumanizing, heritage-destroying processes. These articles prove that Delpit’s advice is seasoned and synthesized from perspectives of educators of color. The third section â€Å"Teachers' Voices: Rethinking Teacher Education for Diversity† discusses American dilemma of cultural disparities in teacher-student interactions, and it is known that Delpit, for he reasoning and progressive ideas, has gained a reputation of being fearless as she tends to convey perspectives of educators of color, in particular, when disputing the popular wisdom of mainstream. The author shows that a power imbalance is still present in most American classrooms. In particular, power imbalance exists in increasingly diverse public schools. Delpit writes that â€Å"one would have to be completely off-target not to realize that Blacks and other people of color often get the short end of the stick when it comes to commanding and exercising power in educational settings†. (Delpit, 1995) Therefore, many argue that Delpit’s reading is thought-provoking and especially valuable. Delpit says that power imbalance may result in racial and gender conflicts in classrooms and the quality and quantity of learning will be negatively affected. Learning outcomes will be doubtful. The author uses thoughtful and measured terms when she tries to explain how parents, students and teachers from diverse groups should develop ingenious means of resisting dominant-group incursion. Ample evidence is offered to show that dominant-group school personnel often fail to interpret fully the knowledge base and, as a result, the potential of non-white students is stifled, and the mark in their assessment is ultimately missing. The work provides corrective responses: â€Å"This combination of power and otherness is what this book is all about. Black, white, Indian, Hispanic or Asian, we must all find some way to come to terms with these two issues. When we teach across the boundaries of race, class or gender — indeed when we teach at all — we must recognize and overcome the power differential, the stereotypes and the other barriers which prevent us from seeing each other. Those efforts must drive our teacher education, our curriculum development, our instructional strategies, and every aspect of the educational enterprise. Until we can see the world as others see it, all the educational reforms in the world will come to naught†. (Delpit, 1995) Personal Reflection I think that the book â€Å"Other People’s Children† should become a ground for teaching for many white teachers. The book is enlightening and empowering as it offers new approaches to teaching. Lisa Delpit is innovative in her filed as she recommends considering cultural roots when teaching students from non-dominant cultures. The book is reasoned and the author invites the audience to understanding the learning needs of diverse students, as well as provides overview of realities of multicultural schooling stressing that every student from non-dominant culture faces a number of challenges. In my opinion, the author is trying to make modern educators realize that education should be improved and such issues as ethnicity, gender and nationality should be paid more attention. One more positive moment is that educational needs of individuals are quite different and professional educators should find ways how to respond to needs of every student. The book is divided into three parts and each part conveys important message. For example, the first section stresses the importance of literacy and literature in modern schools, whereas the second section discusses the impact of culture on education system. Finally, the third section provides recommendations how to make changes in education system and how to teach multicultural classrooms. Mainstream education is associated with dominant education and it is a pity that dominant culture is related to the culture of urban professionals and business world. In other words, dominant culture is the culture represented by white population, middle-class individuals and college educated population. I like the way the author tries to assure the audience that the majority of students are African-American students from low-income families and their rights should not be neglected and ignored as they are personalities and they deserve better living, good education and position in society. Education and discrimination should not come along. I agree with the author that culture has significant impact on education as, for example, non-white students tend to have their own code of language and behavioural patterns and, thus, they often lack skills for establishing Standard English. Knowledge is limited for children from non-dominant cultures and the main reason is lack of basic knowledge and instructional skills. Delpit recommends setting the same standards for all students disregarding their gender and nationality. The problem is that not many professional educators are interested in building and enforcing necessary knowledge for students. Modern society teaches individuals to be well-educated and well-informed of surrounding. Nevertheless, a series of problems is presented in modern American schools. The most important problem is that many teachers don’t think of the student’s future – they simply fulfil their responsibilities and nothing more, but it is wrong as teachers should get their students through particular class and prepare the road for future. Educators and parents must encourage students to learn and to display their abilities and desires. Individuals, disregarding culture and gender, should be allowed to express their feelings, emotions and fears through experiences. Moreover, students should be allowed to use their words and teachers should guide them. Teachers should provide students with more freedom; they should not correct students, but rather to guide them. Fluency of language must be of top priority. Summing up, the book allows teachers to recognize the changes and patterns which remain unrecognized in educational sphere.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn: Focus on Fasd

Running Head: FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn: Focus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder SWHB 405: Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1 ABSTRACT From conception to birth, the mother’s role in bringing to life and nurturing a healthy baby is paramount. Factors such as the mother’s biological, psychological and social environment play important roles in determining the wellbeing of a child. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, an irreversible condition in children caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy will be discussed.Its biological, psychological and societal implications will be deliberated and recommendations of interventions by Social Workers in alleviating the problem will be suggested. Key words: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Child Development Introduction All human life begins with a fertilized egg known as a zygote. By the eighth week, the zygote is transformed into a fetus which has m ost of its organs formed. After about 9 months (or 38 weeks) of going through transformation within the mother’s womb, the mother delivers a bouncing baby boy or girl into the world.During this time it is imperative that special care and attention is given to the mother and the child that she is carrying. Prenatal care ensures that the mother receives the much needed medical attention, nutritional advice and a positive life style tips. Particular attention is given unusual physiological and medical manifestations which could signal an array of life threatening situations for the mother and unborn child. The culmination of a successful pregnancy is the birth of a baby. Newborns weigh an average between 5. 5 and 9. pounds and they are awake and alert in first hours of life. Newborns begin learning their environment immediately and one of the things they internalize is developing a connection with the mother’s voice. The six states that a baby maintains are: quiet alert, active alert, crying state, drowsiness, quiet sleep, and active sleep (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012). Babies oscillate from an awakening curious baby, peak at crying when uncomfortable, and dip through to active sleep. These changes may occur slowly or rapidly throughout the course of any given day.Consequently, knowledge about this this critical life stage, helps parents to be better equipped to cope with and nurture the newborn. Risk factors during pregnancy and at birth Various physiological changes in a pregnant mother may cause or indicate a risk for both mother and child. A case in point is bleeding in the first trimester or late in the pregnancy which could mean possible loss of the child or neurological issues. In some instances, natural toxins could build in the mother’s bodies leading to high blood pressure and weight gain which may be fatal to the mother (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012).Further, an increased weight of the mother could bring on diabetes in the child, while low we ight of the child could be a precursor to mental retardation. Biological factors that may affect the fetus’ development during pregnancy include the mother’s age, the number of children prior and how far apart she has had each child (Boyce, 2010). Environmental factors, such as living conditions, diet deficiencies, and the emotional well-being of the mother can all affect the baby during its 38 week development.Pregnant women should be mindful of substances ingested during pregnancy as these are subsequently ingested by the fetus and affect its development. This is exemplified by studies demonstrating that women who drink caffeine tend to have a lower birth rate than women who avoid caffeine (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012). Other substances that could affect fetal development by causing birth deformities, premature births and possible hyperactivity include tobacco, over the counter medications, hormones and alcohol.Prenatal care there has been shown to dramatically improve th e chances of having a healthy baby. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of certain complications during birth can have lasting repercussions on a child’s life. An example is anoxia, a deficiency of oxygen during birth that could lead to the newborn developing cerebral palsy. Alcohol’s relevance in pregnancy, birth and the newborn Alcohol is a teratogen; an agent or factor that induces or increases the incidence of abnormal prenatal development (Shiel, 2010).Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is manifested in a continuum of disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) (Warren & Murray, in press). The most severe form of this spectrum referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). An alarming statistic from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies shows that 0. 2 to 2 cases per 1000 babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Since FASD presents a broad spectrum of symptoms some of which are â€Å"less severe†, it rem ains challenging to diagnose (Fleisher, 2010). As a result, FASD among children is either misdiagnosed or remains undetected.On the other hand, it is relatively easier to identify the key diagnostic features of FAS are they are better established. FASD is prevalent worldwide because alcohol is so widely accepted and used in so many cultures. The teratogenic effects of alcohol were not established until the second half of the 20th century when pediatrician, Paul Lemoine, in France in 1967 and two American pediatric dysmorphologists, Kenneth Lyons Jones and David Smith in 1973, independently documented the pattern of deficits resulting from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (Warren & Murray, in press).Alcohol was attributed because the children in both settings had common patterns of deficits and it was observed that all of the birth mothers had been diagnosed with alcohol use disorders Biological manifestations The teratogenic effects of alcohol adversely affect the physical developmen t of the fetus and the child. Newborns and children with FAS generally exhibit stunted growth (CDC. Gov, 1983). A distinguishing feature of children with severe FASD and FAS is facial and limb dysmorphology.These children are generally shorter in stature and weigh less than their peers (Warren & Murray, in press). The cardinal or discriminating features include short palpebral fissures (eye opening), an elongated and hypoplastic philtrum (groove between nose and upper lip), and a thin upper vermillion lip border or hypoplastic â€Å"cupid’s bow†. Other features include a low nasal bridge, epicanthal folds (skin folds covering inner corner of the eye), minor ear anomalies, and micrognathia (abnormal smallness of the jaws). Psychological consequencesFacial and limb dysmorphology in children affected by FASD and FAS may cause the child is usually aware that something is â€Å"different† about him or her and thus affect their psychological wellbeing. Additionally, c hildren with FASD have cognitive challenges leading to a myriad of problems such as the following: memory loss, impaired motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, impaired visual and spatial skills, intellectual impairment, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, problems with reasoning and judgment and an inability to appreciate consequences of actions (Wacha & Obrzut, 2007).Treatment and schooling can be very difficult for a child facing these challenges since their greatest challenge is learning and retaining information. Subsequently, the child may experience depression which can result in self-destructive behavior such as substance abuse, inappropriate sexual behavior, and suicide Societal implications Families are affected immensely when a child is born with FASD/FAS since he/she may exhibit anti-social behavior including an exaggerated startle response, poor wake and sleep patterns, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, lying and stealing (Fleisher, 2010).Moreover, schools, local health care systems, childcare and social services, and the justice system are usually ill-equipped to address the problems presented by FASD. As a result; a person with FASD may experience mental health problems, disrupted schooling, and involvement with crime, substance abuse, and dependent living and employment difficulties throughout their lifetime. As previously stated, the broad spectrum of manifestations of FASD makes it difficult to diagnose.Consequently, individuals suffering from FASD may not be properly diagnosed and are likely to be labeled social misfits and may spend a troubled life on the margins of society thus creating a monumental emotional burden on society (Wacha & Obrzut, 2007). Interventions to aid those affected by FASD These physical, mental, social, learning and behavioral limitations experienced by individuals with FASD have possible lifelong implications. Fortunately, there is help for both the individuals and their families provided by Social Service age ncies in form of resources and assistance needed to have a good quality of life.Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (1975), school aged children with disabilities (including those diagnosed with FAS) are provided with reasonable accommodations including untimed tests, sitting in front of the class, modified homework and the provision of necessary services and often the implementation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). An IEP details services that will be provided to assist the child in learning and may include services like Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, and/or the provision of a classroom aide.These individuals often have social workers or case managers working with them to ensure that the services documented in the IEP’s are being provided and working effectively. Implications of FASD on Social Work FASD provides opportunities for Social Workers to play an important role in impacting positive change. Soc ial Workers could take the lead in screening for alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and educate them about the FASD (Boyce, 2010).Women who choose to continue drinking should be encouraged to use contraceptives to reduce the likelihood of giving birth to a child with FASD. Social Workers should also be actively involved in nutrition education to ensure that pregnant mothers are following balanced diet for optimum fetal development. Nutrition education should especially target participants of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as these populations’ income may limit their food choices.FASD often have significant lifelong deficits in functional life skills that can lead to problems with day to day functioning. In adulthood, these deficits can be manifested in mental health difficulties, disrupted job experiences, trouble with the law, substance abuse and difficulties with independent living. Hence Social Workers play the important role of advocating for individuals affected by FASD, helping them to navigate their immediate environment and linking them with support services (Warren & Murray, in press).Prevention of FASD is of great importance and this implies that Social Workers have the responsibility of mobilizing campaigns against drinking during pregnancy. This can be done through community education, incorporating medical personnel in research and preventive practice as well as holding alcohol producers accountable for posting health warning labels on publicity items. Conclusion Maternal alcohol use is a worldwide phenomenon that indiscriminately affects families and children of all ethnicities in all societies.Fortunately, it is possible to classify and tackle the treatment problems raised by individuals with FASD. The hope is that with continued research, education, and support from Social Service agencies, this problem can be prevented. While resources are available to help individu als and their families, it is important to know that the best treatment of FASD is prevention. It is not yet known the specific timing, frequency and quantity of alcohol use throughout the gestational period that are responsible FASD and FAS.Drinking early in the gestational period, before the woman even knows she is pregnant may present special risks for the developing embryo. Thus strategies to prevent alcohol use in pregnancy need to take into consideration that the prevalence of drinking by women of child-bearing age is on the rise in many parts of the world and most pregnancies are not planned. Bibliography CDC. Gov. (1983, January 13). Retrieved from Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Public Awareness Week: http://www. dc. gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000257. htm Ashford, J. B. , & Lecroy, C. W. (2012). Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Approach. Belmont, CA: Cole Cengage. Boyce, M. (2010, June). A Better F uture for Baby: Stemming the tide of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Journal of Family Practice, 59(6). Fleisher, S. (2010, May). Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Raising Awareness about Alcohol in Pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery, 18(5). Shiel, W. C. (2010, December 21). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.Retrieved from Medicinenet. com: http://www. medicinenet. com/fetal_alcohol_syndrome/article. htm Wacha, V. , & Obrzut, J. (2007, June). Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on Neuropsychological Function. Journal of Development and Physical Disabilities, 19(3). Warren, K. , & Murray, M. (in press). Alcohol and Pregnancy: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol: Science, Policy and Public Health. ——————————————– [ 1 ].The purpose of prenatal care is to monitor the development, health and nutritional status of both the mother and the baby during the pregnancy to ensure an uncomplicated pregnancy and the delivery of a live and healthy infant. [ 2 ]. Some pregnant women may develop gestational diabetes (or gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM), a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy (especially during third trimester). [ 3 ]. Cerebral palsy is a term encompassing a group of non-progressive, non-contagious motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Crisis Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Crisis Management - Essay Example governments all over the world have initiated disaster management programs that are focused upon providing early warning signs about an imminent disaster and have also introduced action plans to educate members of the public and make them aware of measures they need to institute in order to be effectively prepared in the event of a natural disaster occurring. While there have been several disasters in the United States, one of the most memorable ones is the Katrina disaster, which resulted in losses of life and property that could have been easily prevented. Federalism is the system whereby certain portfolios are designated under State authority while others such as defense are under the Federal Government’s control. The Katrina disaster caused havoc in the state of Louisiana in particular and has come under sharp criticism because it was ineffectively managed. There was a lack of effective coordination between federal and State agencies in executing the Disaster Management Plan that was already in place. The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in the United States has been subject to sharp criticism on account of its bungling and mismanagement of the Katrina disaster which struck on August 29th, highlighted especially in the incident at the Convention Center in New Orleans where 25,000 people remained stranded for four days before they were rescued.( The State of Louisiana has an exhaustive Hurricane Disaster Plan. [Tapscott, 2005] which called for citizens to be evacuated early, however, none of the guidelines were followed, neither did the FEMA respond quickly and effectively to the disaster [Editorial, 2005]. Losses of life and property have been reported on an unprecedented scale. Although Federal response to disasters had already been initiated in past years for flood and earthquake control, the efforts were still largely decentralized until 1979 when the FEMA came into being. The Katrina problems however, arose because of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Compare and contrast the ethical theories of Aristotle and Immanuel Essay

Compare and contrast the ethical theories of Aristotle and Immanuel Kant - Essay Example Man should be oriented by entities in his or her environment of the definition of what is morally good or not. However, if one should ask, what makes an ethical person? What are the characteristics that make him a good person? Aristotle and Kant’s ethical theories have laid out arguments claiming man’s ethics. However, there are significant ideas that make one theory triumph over the other. Aristotle and Kant speak of the highest good that man can do to society and his own – one that is not to be done just for the sake of being called ethical, getting material possessions or pleasing comments in exchange for it. It is done because it is â€Å"good in itself† (Johnson). Both also speak of happiness as ends of being virtuous. However, according to Aristotle, a virtuous life leading to happiness is not achieved without the possession of additional goods as well. A life perceived to be perfect by many, a life with wealth, power, acquaintances, and a physique h ighly appreciated by everyone. With this life also comes good upbringing, and good habits. Without these things, man will have the difficulty of reaching a virtuous status. Aristotle insists that it is necessary to have these desirable things to be able to reach happiness. In a negative light, this is unfair for those who are born without much fortune. If a woman has unacceptable physical features and is not wealthy enough, this theory already forecasts her future or to narrow it, her ability to push for a virtuous life. Another weakness of the theory is the limitation of which it is applicable to. Although it does not claim that only fortunate people are developed to be virtuous, it gives them an advantage to such a life. He points out that if a person who has these things, he will be raised to have good habits and with good habits, he is able to learn how to be virtuous. In reality, unfortunate people also achieve a virtuous life. It is within their strategies in life on how to ge t there. It is not dictated on what a person owns but how people perceive how they life supposed to be and how they would be able to reach that kind of life. Also another argument of Aristotle, because of this kind of upbringing, man will not have any reason for being truthful, openhanded, and brave because it is how one is brought up. Well, unfortunate people can also have this kind of upbringing without material and even physically acceptable attributes. They do well without asking anything in return because of their misfortune but they do well because they feel that it is the right thing to do and doing such will lead them to some state of happiness. In all fairness to Aristotle, he provides an ideal state of virtuous life that one ought to pursue. Kant, on the other hand, does not provide a status for which virtue can be obtained. He does not give material possession and physical attributes importance when it comes to being a moral person. He said that virtue does not insure wel l being (Johnson). Kant proposes that man should be rational with his actions based on the standards of rationality. There should be universality in a sense that man’s actions should be widely accepted by others as well. Kant’s theory suggests that in order for man to achieve a morality that is powerful enough to compel one from doing injustice to another or to himself, man will undergo challenges in a sense that one can learn what is good and what is bad. He also proposes that there is an â€Å"

Thursday, September 26, 2019

SKILLS AND LEARNING STATEMENT (SLS) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SKILLS AND LEARNING STATEMENT (SLS) - Assignment Example With further discussions, I chose HDFC (Housing Development and Finance Corporation) India as the bank on which my RAP will be focused. The bank had currently undergone an ICT innovation initiative for improving its performance and increasing its customer’s base (Rajan, 2010). My objective was to evaluate the bank’s performance before and after the introduction of the integrated multichannel in its operations. In the meeting with my project mentor, we discussed my strengths and weaknesses. I discovered that I was technically strong in literature writing however I was worried about the project analysis .With the help of my mentor, I outlined the structure of the project and he suggested ways to acquire information about the research project. According to him, the RAP should have a suitable structure, illustrative, conciseness, clarity with factual accuracy. Before my second meeting with my mentor, I was prepared with the draft of my project. My project was almost over an d I was just left with the conclusion and recommendation part. After going through the draft of my RAP, my mentor identified some errors on the referencing and Part one of the RAP. According to my mentor, the drafted RAP does not fully explain the reasons for choosing my project topic area and neither provided him with an understanding of the overall framework. He guided me with more information and asked me to make amendments but assured me that the overall approach of the project was satisfactory. He assured me the timetable I have been following is good enough to meet my project deadline. The reassurance and encouragement that the project approach is going on the right direction, helped my confidence. In third meeting with my mentor, I gave a presentation of my project. Before this meeting I had already provided my mentor with the draft of my RAP. This meeting included a 15 minutes presentation. The presentation helped overcome my fear of speaking in public and enhanced my orator y skill. I am an introvert and often stay behind in company’s meetings. I was overcome with fear during the presentation to my mentor and his partner. In the presentation, my mentor recommended some changes. He advised me to keep the language totally business-oriented without use of colloquial terms. The language had to be lucid as well as professional. My mentor commented on my nervousness. There were certain changes he recommended for example, the colour combination, referencing, structure, evidences and outcomes. He mentioned that timing is an important factor to consider in presentations. The presentation enhanced my communication skills and made me learn how to conduct while presenting a project- one should be aware of the right gesture, facial expression and stances. The presentation enabled me to exercise introspection and I am now confident that I can take a lead in office meetings. 2. How well do you think that you have answered your research question(s)? While doing the RAP I had proposed four research questions. Research questions are very important, as they determine the formal aim of the study. The research questions formulated by me clearly stated what the study is going to investigate and efforts had been made by me to address the questions properly. The first proposed research question is â€Å"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Improving the Quality of Education in the Urban Schools Essay - 2

Improving the Quality of Education in the Urban Schools - Essay Example Ameliorating the teachers’ quality will play a significant role in improving the quality of education in poor urban schools. Miller states that improving the quality of teachers in the urban district schools will play a very crucial role in improving the quality of education in urban schools. I think that Miller is right in saying that the pay that urban teachers receive is very discouraging when reviewed against the high cost of living in urban areas. This discourages many teachers from teaching in these schools and makes it hard for them to attract top talent from other schools or from graduating college students compared to the private schools. Statistics show that a large percentage of the experienced teachers in the urban schools will retire in a decade leaving seven hundred thousand new and untrained school teachers in the urban district schools. In my opinion, this will contribute significantly to increased poor performance in urban schools as the students will be taught by inexperienced school teachers. There is also the issue of bad and poor-performing teachers the urban schools who contribute sig nificantly to the poor performance in these schools (Miller 34). Miller suggests that the state should review the salaries of urban school teachers to enable them to attract top talent. I concur with him and also suggest that the urban school teachers should have pay perks that will help in motivating them by giving bonuses to the top-performing teachers. The federal government should increase their salaries at least fifty per cent, thus attracting college graduates who would have joined other professions due to the salaries. By increasing the teachers’ starting salaries to sixty thousand annually, the union will entice many talented teachers and attract others. However, the issues of poor performing teachers should be addressed.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Procter & Gamble Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Procter & Gamble Company - Research Paper Example The company, which has been in the industry for 174 years, has earned a great number of recognitions over the years. These included, to cite a few, a 6th ranking on Fortune’s â€Å"Global Most Admired Companies†, a 2nd on Fortune’s â€Å"Top Companies for Leaders† survey, top rankings on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index from 2000 to 2010, and most innovative manufacturer in the consumer packaged goods industry for the last decade given by the Symphony IRI group. In addition, P&G has also been recognized by the National Association for Female Executives (Top 50 Companies for Executive Women) and Black Enterprise magazine (40 Best Companies for Diversity); awards related to creating a diverse workplace. On top of that, P&G has been consistently a member of the Billion Dollar Roundtable, made up of 17 corporations that spend more than $1 billion annually with diverse suppliers, since 2005 (Procter & Gamble Co., 2011). P&G serves consumer, household and phar maceutical goods to consumers in more than 180 countries. Having around 127,000 employees for ground operations in 80 countries (Procter & Gamble Co., 2011) , the company makes at least 250 brands in six main categories: laundry and cleaning (detergents), paper goods (toilet paper), beauty care (cosmetics and shampoos), food and beverages (coffee and snacks), feminine care (sanitary towels) and health care (toothpaste and medicine), (Corporate Watch , 2002). Among the quality and leadership brands manufactured by the company are Ivory, Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Always, Whisper, Pantene, Folgers, Charmin, Downy, Lenor, Iams, Crest, Oral B, Actonel, Duracell, Olay, head & Shoulders, Wella, Gilette, and Braun (Procter & Gamble Co., 2006). History P&G has changed the lifestyle of consumers worldwide, the history of which can be rooted way back in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio. William Procter, who was originally from England, and James Gamble, an immigrant from Ireland, had crossed paths when th ey married sisters Olivia and Elizabeth Norris (Procter & Gamble Co., 2006). The partnership of the two was suggested by their mutual father-in-law, Alexander Norris, who stated that both William’s trade, candle making and James’ which was soap making would utilize lye from animal fat and wood ashes that were prominent in Cincinnati (FundingUniverse, 2003). At that time of the business establishment, Williams and James used a forward-looking approach despite the financial panic across US wherein banks were bankrupt and competition among soap and candle makers were tough. Despite the years leading to civil war in the 1850s, P&G was able to obtain large contracts from the national government to provide the Union army with soap and candle products (Dyer, Dalzell, & Olegario, 2004). Furthermore, Williams and James’ company was able to start one of the first profit-sharing programs in the US, and also invested in a research laboratory (Procter & Gamble Co., 2006). It was in the 1890s when P&G developed and sold 30 different types of soap, which included the famous brand Ivory and soaps for dishwashing and washing clothes. The effective advertisements of the products through the use of radio â€Å"soap operas†, product sampling and promotional premiums increased the demand which led to expansion of operations in Kansas City, Kansas and Ontario, Canada. Another world-wide known product introduced by P&G in 1946 was Tide. The introduction of Tide was remarkably successful which paved the way to having new markets across continents (Procter & Gamble Co., 2006). A few years following the sensation of Tide, several products were brought into the market. The first fluoride toothpaste, Crest, became popularly known as it was endorsed by the American Dental

Monday, September 23, 2019

Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Philosophy - Assignment Example This is seen in the differences between the rationalism and empiricism: rationalism has it that the ideas and concepts are independent from the experience, and that the cognition is realized only by means of the mind, whereas empiricism states that the knowledge and practice shall be cognized by means of experience. (True Forms, 2013). 2) Eudaimonia is most commonly defined as welfare, happiness, or prosperity. Eudaimonists state that the happiness is the supreme good for the human being. According to their views, the basis of the human behavior and the criteria of morality are determined as the human’s strive for happiness and prosperity. The happiness includes internal aspects, such as virtue, and external ones – health, beauty and wealth. Eudaimonia is considered naturalistic because it is in human’s nature to be aimed at reaching the best. (Robinson, 1999). 3) The Aristotelian concept of the â€Å"golden mean† is the acceptable middle between the excessive and the insufficient. In terms of ethics this means a choice between the things that are good and bad and may seem too good or too bad. For example, the situation with the wars and armed conflicts in the modern world is illustrative in this respect. It would be possible to avoid them by means of choosing by either their sides a mean – the process of negotiations, and this is namely the mean because it would neither lead to blood-shooting nor to absence of the contact between the sides at all. It can also be referred to as sometimes avoiding of the difficulties and trying to choose the easiest way of the problems solving. Then it is believed that the golden mean is not the best means and it is necessary to be courage enough to follow not the easiest way. 4) Philosophical Cynics tend not to accept the conventional society. They motivate this by the fact that the usual concept of life presupposes possessing the useless and odd

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Argument Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argument - Research Paper Example These needs related to videogames make students finish the activity as technology-dependent students (Apostol, Zaharescu, & Alexe, 2013). Videogames have the possibility to teach both formal and informal academic and non-academic skills, and, as fun tool, they motivate students to be more collaborative, promote social learning, share information, and increase their attainments (Kebritch, Hirumi, & Bai, 2010). Video games have the ability to evoke feelings of strong emotional bonds as a part of the students’ experience (Bengoechea, 2009). Learning starts bringing emotions like any other pleasant occupation. Students begin to like the leaning process itself and acquire the motivation. Ground1:   In Japan a mixed method was used to investigate the impact of integrating videogames into an existing curriculum, and two researches were conducted. In Study 1 (n = 9), new words were included in task sheets. Study 2 (n = 11) included the tasks on vocabulary. the results showed that the learners were affected positively (Hitosugi, Schmidt, & Hayashi, 2014). According to Mifsud (2013), an group of the research participants, who applied videogames in Malta demonstrated considerable improvement in the study of English as a Second Language in comparison to those learners, who were offered usual approach. 79.1 % of 1163 students with an age range between 11-16 years feel that video games can provide them with an opportunity for and help them acquire new skills , and 77.5% of 149 teachers believe that students can learn from videogames in class. Furthermore, 83% of 783 parents also believed that educational videogames have become an important tool in classroom learning. Gjedd e (2014) conducted a research on Danish public secondary school that use mixed method of the qualitative case study, and surveys evaluations every week to implement curriculum, and models of educational live action role play (edu†LARP). Approximately 98 students participated in the research.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay Example for Free

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay The initial intention (for giving the handphone) is to provide facilities for us to know where our kids are but we must think twice before doing so. I advice parents to know how to adopt the technology before giving a mobile phone to their child. For instance, you must know if the phone given to your child only has the basics or if its more than that. But I still oppose just giving a basic phone. For me, not giving a phone is the best solution. Having a phone opens up the opportunity for others to do bad things. We want to minimise the risk factors. Problems in school with not doing the homework because of the handphone. I believed that using cell phones during class will cause distraction. It doesnt matter to students that they are not allowed to use their cell phones while they are in class, they do it anyway. They often send text messages to each other and this can distract them from their education, as well as distract the person they are texting, which is likely to be another student. Many people call this the new way of passing notes. Besides that, Another drawback of allowing cell phones is that they can be used to cheat during quizzes and exams. A student could receive silent text messages from a friend that has already taken a certain exam during a test. It is obviously that when students use their cell phones at school, it makes rumors spread faster. This is because, everyone has access to a cell phone and when somebody hears a rumor, they send a text message to their friend to tell them about it, and their friend sends a text message to another friend, and so on. Some also think that the fast spreading of rumors makes it more likely that the rumors will worsen as it is being spread, and that the quicker it spreads, the worse it gets. In some reasons, I felt that cell phones do not improve school safety. For example when there is an emergency, cell phone signals become jammed if everyone attempts to contact people at once. This can make it difficult for teachers to contact the authorities. If students do successfully contact their parents, parents may all rush to the scene, which can conflict with evacuations or other responses. If students contact their parents, parents will all rush to the scene, which brings conflict or other responses. We are more concerned about the bigger consequences of having a handphone like social problems such as bully and harrashment via mobile phones. Student tends to misused the mobile phone, by recording video of students bullying other students. If there are risks involved and you have calculated and you know that the risks wont benefit you, why take the risk? Better not to have the risk at all by not giving them a handphone.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ethical Issues for Community Treatment Orders

Ethical Issues for Community Treatment Orders Ekta Patel Community Treatment Orders refer to a legal order in which patients must accept medical care such as therapy, rehabilitations, management or coping classes, counselling or other health services while living in the public. The Community Treatment Order (CTO) accounts to serve patients with psychiatric treatment plans that are essentially established by the patients psychiatric health provider. The CTO requires patients to comply with all conditions and terms of the order, hence, if not followed, they would be directed to a psychiatric health facility where essential care and treatment would be initiated. CTO can be prepared for any time period for up to twelve months. This means that patients may have to comply with CTOs for more than just one sequential time. Section 7 on the Canadian Charter Rights of Freedom, under the Mental Health Legislation, it states that life, liberty and security of all citizens are fundamental principles of justice. Notwithstanding, ethical concerns arise because these rights of people are jeopardized with the forceful commitment and acceptance that psychiatric patients have to conform to when CTOs come to play. There have been ethical controversies associated with the implementation of CTOs along with other forms of outpatient treatment regulations. The debate on the suitable mandatory care in the community reflects the unstable political, philosophical, and medical concerns. With the involuntary Community Treatment Orders options, it is said to force treatment amongst individuals seeking care, hence taking away their rights of having a choice. In short, CTOs place patient autonomy at risk. The debate argues that this forceful treatment takes away the right of individuals to refuse treatment for a psychiatric illness. This argument of limiting freedom amongst individuals with disturbances is not recent; it has been a targeted issue since the 1960s through the 1970s. During the 1960s and 1970s the debate largely focused on the quarrel of involuntary inpatient treatment and care. However, at present, the debate focuses on community based treatment, arguing that CTOs serve to stop involuntary medical attention. With the implementation of CTOs, are several associated arguments. Firstly, CTO being involuntary, it breaks the norm of never forcing treatment amongst individuals. CTO aggravates forceful actions into the community. The implementation of CTO intensifies the struggle of defending patient rights within the community, thus neglecting other possible services that could be far more optimal in treating patients. Thirdly, we all know that the overflow of inpatients and wait-times in health care facilities have become a prime concern, and with the execution of CTOs, hospitals will be far more packed with non-adherent patients. Consequently, this reinforces long wait-times in Emergency Departments and causes in-patient beds to be occupied more frequently, therefore delaying and interrupting the quality of health services and care for other patients. From the perspective of psychic, Uri Geller, come people are deprived of their liberties in the attempt to give them psychiatric care. Occasionally, others are deprived of psychiatric care in the attempt to guard their liberties. Supporters of CTOs argue that when people with psychological disturbances are given liberty, they could potentially become marginalized from getting crucial treatment required to benefit their health. Though this idea to some extent is accurate, there is a much riskier adverse effect associated with it. This is because, when patients are involuntarily treated for the specified amount of time chosen by psychiatrics, patients are required to take regular doses of antipsychotic medications. As a result of this, it can lead to severe long-term or short-term harmful side effects. Community Treatment Orders have illustrated to reduce the number of victimized patients of abuse. CTO is a form of epistemic violence, because it involves ignoring individuals perspective, while declaring they are too sick to have a say. The implementation of CTOs is significantly increasing, but it is argued that the result of CTOs does not validate the constraints that are compiled on a patients autonomy. Reason being, although coerce CTOs make the public feel secure and safe, it violates those, who are suffering from psychiatric imbalances. This is because, they are not given the liberty and the right to choose what type of treatment and care they would like to seek and are discriminated against. According to a randomized controlled trial, it was found that the number of patients readmitted did not differ as much between patients. Hence, it can be concluded that compulsory orders do not reduce the rate of hospital re-admission of psychiatric consumers. There is limited evidence that proves that compulsory community treatments, including CTOs have achieved its medical goals, which was to decrease re-hospitalisation and increase attention towards medication and medical services.ÂÂ   Instead, to improve community-based psychiatric services, psychiatrics or other medical specialists could arrange for regular patient testing, for example, frequent urine, and blood. This can help specialists to have adequate patient information, allowing them to precisely determine optimal treatment plans. References Andrew, M., John, D., Julia, S., Jorun, R., Ksenija, Y., Maria, M., Merryn, V., Stefan, P., Tom, B. (2013). Community treatment orders for patients with psychosis (OCTET): a randomised controlled trial, Article, Volume 381, Page 1-7. Retrieved from Brenda A. L.,ÂÂ   Geoffrey., R., Robert, M.ÂÂ   (Eds.). (2013).ÂÂ   Mad Matters. Toronto, Ontario: Candian Scholars Press Inc. Canadian Civil Liberties Association. (2015). Talking About Community Treatment Orders and Discrimination. Retrieved from Dreezer, S., Bay, M., Hoff, D., Microlog (2007). Dreezer Dreezer Inc., Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Ebrary CEL York University, Report on the legislated review of community treatment orders, required under section 33.9 of the Mental Health Act. [Toronto, Ont.]: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Hutt, L., La Forest, G. V., Lahey, W. (2013) Independent Panel to Review the Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act and Community Treatment Orders. Department of Health and Wellness, Canadian Electronic Library (Firm), Ebrary CEL York University. Report of the Independent Panel to Review the Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act and Community Treatment Orders. Department of Health and Wellness Office of the Chief Psychiatrist. (2001). Community Treatment Orders A Review (PDF File). Retrieved from R.A. Malatest Associates., Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care., Canadian Electronic Library (Firm). (2012). The legislated review of community treatment orders: Final report. Victoria, B.C.: R.A. Malatest Associates Ltd.. Richard O. (2004). Why Are Community Treatment Orders Controversial. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry- In Review, Volume 49 (9), Pages 1-6. Ronan, M. The Community Treatment Order: Clinical and Ethical Issues. (1998). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 32, Pages 223-228. Steve, K., Katherine, H. (2014). An Updated Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Evidence for the Effectiveness of Community Treatment Orders. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Pages 1-4

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Religion and Moby Dick :: Moby Dick Essays

Religion and Moby Dick  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Job was a man of the purest faith. When the world shunned God, Job's faith never declined. Job was a wealthy, handsome man with a beautiful wife and a vast amount of property. At some point in time, Satan made a bet with God that if Job situation was changed, his faith would quickly falter. On this note, God took Job's wealth, his property, his family, and his wife. When times were at their worst, God gave Job pus welts on Job's face, taking his looks. Job's faith, however, did not falter, instead it becamestronger. Job passed the test. God then healed Job, gave him more land, greater wealth , and a better wife. Job was baffled, he wondered the purpose behind his fall and rise. When he asked God this, God replied: "...Because I'm God." That was answer enough. On an opposite note, Jonah was a man whom God called upon to become a prophet. Jonah refused because he didn't desire a life of servitude. Knowing that he had committed an ultimate sin, Jonah fled to the ocean, risking hundreds of crew members' lives, believing that God would not be able to follow. In the sea, Jonah was swallowed by God in the form of a whale In the whale's belly, he repented and prayed for forgiveness. He was spit up by the whale upon dry land and all was forgiven. Man fears God. God created all life and all matter, he maintained it, and he can very easily take it back. Man realizes this, and those of the purest faith must pay a lifetime of homage and servitude. At least this is the key behind all God-believing religions. In a part of the Hindu faith, there is a God called Shiva. He is believed to be the "restorer and destroyer of worlds." Shiva is one of the most temperamental gods of any faith, he'll destroy the world on a simple whim. At one time, he even cut off his son's head and turned it into an Elephant face. One example of the type of faith Shiva requires is found in the story of a man who desired power more than anything. In order to obtain this power, he had to get sacred weapons created by Shiva. He began a deep meditation to obtain the weapons. This went on until his meditation clouded the heavens and angered Shiva himself.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Self-Disclosure Through Weblogs and Perceptions of Online and Real-lif

Introduction The way people choose to portray themselves on an online social networking site or a dating site is does not always stand true to real life. There are many stipulations that one has to go through in order to be comfortable not only receiving, but distributing their personal information. This paper will explore different ways that online presentations in mediated communication through dating and social networking sites are represented and the issues that coincide. Social networking sites have distinctive cues that create various levels of importance to those browsing them. Almost everyone today has some form of a social networking account, and there are plenty to choose from. People may be facetious when revealing about who they truly are, even when looking for a mate. The self-competence that exists in people is very well presented online and it is curious to see what is true and what is not. Forming impressions The idea of forming impressions while in an online environment comes into play rather frequently. Since there is no technical face-to-face meeting, a person is left with their own assumptions of what their supposed partner is truly like. It is common for a person to be skeptical of what the other is saying because it is simple to alter the truth in a computer-mediated relationship. Whether it be choosing a new partner, or making a new friend impressions are formed beforehand especially in an online world. In the article â€Å"The Effects of Verbal versus Photographic Self-Presentation on Impression Formation on Facebook† by Brandon Van Der Heide et al, the idea of textual and visual primacy on Facebook is explored. The proposal of â€Å"impression formation in the context of social networking Web sites rasing new q... ...9.07.005. ( Palmieri, C., Prestano, K., Gandley, R., Overton, E., & Qin, Z. (2012). The Facebook Phenomenon: Online Self-Disclosure and Uncertainty Reduction. China Media Research, 8(1), 48-53. Toma, C.L., Hancock J.T., Ellison N.B.Separating fact from fiction: An examination of deceptive self-presentation in online dating profiles (2008) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (8), pp.1023-1036 Van Der Heide, B., D'Angelo, J. D., & Schumaker, E. M. (2012). The Effects of Verbal Versus Photographic Self-Presentation on Impression Formation in Facebook. Journal Of Communication, 62(1), 98-116. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01617.x Zhao, S. (2005), The Digital Self: Through the Looking Glass of Telecopresent Others. Symbolic Interaction, 28: 387–405. doi: 10.1525/si.2005.28.3.387

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Case Study of the English Language Center :: Research Papers

A Case Study of the English Language Center Three blocks away from the hustle of Market Street, the main thoroughfare of Drexel University's campus, an unassuming building nestles in a quiet neighborhood. The street, lined with narrow sidewalks and trees, gives one a feeling of coziness and safety. Other than the faint sounds of city traffic, tranquility presides over this neighborhood scene. At 229 North 33rd Street stands a long, rectangular, light-colored brick building two stories high. The low green shrubs at the edge of the building and the grassy areas spotted with trees to either side of the entrance give one the sense that this building belongs to the "neighborhood." Looking up at its facade, one would not think that inside this modest structure lies a microscopic view of the world as it could be in the next millennium-a world where countries from all corners of the globe come together in harmony, a non-politicized world where borders, political divisions separating ethnic groups, dissolve and give rise toboundar ies, permeable areas that encourage the acknowledgement of and mutual respect for linguistic and cultural diversity. What is this place? Who are the inhabitants? Walking up the entranceway steps lined with black iron railings, one immediately encounters an outer glass door inscribed with the outline of an umbrella-shaped image encasing the letters AAIEP. Above the umbrella stand the words "American Association for International English Programs (AAIEP)" and underneath, "English Language Center, Foreign Language Center, and ESL Writing Center." These words only begin to frame what goes on inside this building. On the other side of the entranceway lies a safe haven--a place where people from around the globe to come together to learn English, a place where words are transformed into language. But more goes on at 229 North 33rd Street than just the learning of English in the traditional sense of learning a language or the teaching of specific skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. At Drexel's English Language Center (ELC), students learn about American culture as well. While knowledge of vocabulary, syntax, and grammar serve to enhance one's linguistic ability, they do not necessarily promote communicative competence or the appropriate use of language in situations of everyday life. Because the rules and norms of language cannot be separated from culture, developing communicative competence "enables a student to use a language for a wide range of social and expressive purposes" (Schiffrin 323).

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Peculiarities of Translation of the Advertising Text

Introduction The main task of the translator – to use all knowledge of theoretical bases of translation for transfer the communicative function of the original, as knowledge of theoretical bases of translation and extralinguistic realities are necessary conditions of translation. Suppliers and producers of production do everything possible to attract as much as possible consumers. For this purpose advertizing appears on screens of our television, by radio, also it appears in the form of advertizing brochures, texts and slogans.Quite often advertizing brochures of this or that production or service go in original language, and proceeding from it it is possible to speak about relevance of creation of more or less uniform strategy and the concept of translation of the such text. When translating advertizing brochures on other languages it is necessary to consider ethical, psychological and personal characteristics of audience and the consumer, specifics and culture of the country for which this brochure is intended.For many practicians of advertizing activity the text of a foreign language serves only as means for understanding of idea of an advertized product, the text of the brochure is often written anew in language of the country of the consumer taking into account its national specifics. When exact transfer is represented for some reason or other undesirable, the translator uses approximate phrases on sense which surely have to consider traditional ethnic, national and social features, stereotypes of behavior of concrete audience on which production designated in the advertizing brochure is directed.The purpose of the real work – to designate the main strategy and receptions of translation of English-language advertizing texts into Russian. According to a research objective performance of the following tasks is supposed: 1) To give definitions to concepts the text and a discourse 2) To give definitions to concept the advertizing text 3) To consi der classification of the advertizing text 4) To define features of translation of advertizing texts 5) To carry out the comparative comparative analysis of advertizing texts in English and Russian languages As object of research texts of English-speaking advertizing served.The choice as a material of texts of English advertizing is caused by that huge role which English-speaking media play texts in world information space. Research method – comparative, that is English and Russian advertizing texts are compared, compared. On the structure work consists of the introduction, two theoretical heads and one research, and also the conclusions, the list of sources and the appendix with characteristic examples of advertizing texts.

Manufacturing Information System Essay

A manufacturing information system that is targeted for use anywhere production is taking place. Modern manufacturing information systems are generally computerized and are designed to collect and present the data which managers need in order to plan and direct operations within the company. Capabilities of the System 1. The system is able to determine the cost of purchases related to production. 2. The system can also help in planning and scheduling the production based on the sales forecast. 3. This system can control the quantity of production as well as the monitoring of inventories. 4. This system is able to generate reports which will be sending to different department as their source of information. Scope and Limitations The system has limited its coverage on the manufacturing entity only. Its main purpose is to help the entity in planning and scheduling production. The system covered only the production processes and generation of reports wherein other department will get information. It will not be effective on selling and marketing purposes or in other department works. Significance of the Study 1. The system supports the production or operation function. 2. The system fastens all activities concerned with planning and control of process producing goods and services. 3. The beneficiary of the system is the entity itself. Entities Sales Department Accounting Department Warehouse Suppliers Delivering Department Step by Step Process 1. Collect Data- is the process of gathering data that can be used in planning production. 2. Analysis of Data- is a process of examining, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data into useful information and supporting decision making process. 1. Designing of Product 2. Determining inadequate raw materials 3. Sourcing of Raw Materials- It is the process of purchasing inadequate raw materials which are needed in the production and a prerequisite in scheduling production. 1. Make Order 2. Make Payments Production- it is the process of converting raw materials into other materials or finished goods that will be sell in the market. Generates Reports- making of essential reports about production that will be passed to another department for the formulation of financial statement and in order to know what portion of the finished goods are available for sale.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Alignment of Academic Standards with ELL Proficiency Standards

The federal government has changed the ground work and the organization of scholastic lessons in the educational systems in 2001 with the â€Å"No Child Left behind Act†. The law say that each state is to embrace English Language Learners in the state assessment and evaluate the student’s language skill â€Å"with valid, reliable assessments in the areas of oral language and reading and writing skills, more specifically comprehension, speaking, listing, reading, and writing†(Cook, 2007). The requirements of these assessment also include assisting in the students’ accomplishment of the state’s academic achievement standards.Since the federal standards has been made to the educational system there needs to be a new method created and evaluated in the way that states and schools can continue adjusting and properly evaluating English Language Learners. The population of English Language Learners has made a tremendous growth in American, over the past fe w years the English Language Learners has grown more the twenty percent and is predictable to increase more with time. With the population growing in our educational system modifications had to be made.The laws specifies that all children who are disabled, don’t speak English, or disadvantaged still have an equal right to an education. For the reason of English Language Learner comprehensive span the United States wanted something that could adjust and help as a wide range obligation and or standard required to applied in the educational system, so with the No Child Left behind act allowed it to be done. Since the states have to follow and stand by assessment guidelines as well as academic standards with the No Child Left Behind act people ask exactly how the non- English students would fit into this law.Assessment must also be given with unlimited probability that a student will pass in the regular education curriculums, even though they definitely let each state establish t heir own specific procedures that met with these probability. The complicating part is it has to link using both state and government academic standards. The Arizona or TESOL English language learners’ standards obligatory are to work independently as a state but then again they are also obligatory to follow and manage the governments’ requirements. This can be completed by correctly combining the English language learners’ into groups.This act should only be used when placing the students into groups, by doing this allows for identify that level of each child, such as their comprehension level as well as how much they know about speaking, listing, reading, and written in English the language. There are many different levels that are personalized or tiered into separate classifications for the age varieties. Each group has requirements in addition to the complete outline and details to dimensions from, as well as the requirements that the government has and it d oes not matter which state you are in they are all the same.These standards are identified as English language Proficiency Standards (ELP). The English language Proficiency Standards come in many different segments beginning with the age, then finishing with separable accomplishment and understanding. To begin with the most important factor would be the stage of development of a child, the students need to be properly divided by their developing skill and accurateness in reasoning purposes. There are four different categories in the age group, first there is kindergarten to second, next third to fifth, following sixth to eight, last is ninth to twelfth.Once the correct stage of development has been recognized and properly entangled with other students, then it is on to evaluating the level of English the student knows and comprehends. Each level is important however the first level is entering level developing to the bridging level, this level means that a student is ready to join a regular classroom because they have a complete understanding and can intellectual ability to the English Language for all students this is the main goal to reach.However if a student is not at this level with the help of educators to support and assistance of the assessments every student will be at bridging level as fast as they can. Using the ELP standards in addition to mixing them into a teachers daily routine is a requirement in the classrooms today. Teachers should always reminder that every student is different and learn in different ways, so teachers need to teach in different ways in order for the students to learn successfully principally while learning literacy skills in reading.When using data it can be a very useful tool when helping students, it can be responsible for a helping teacher to get a better understanding of what a student knows, what they need to work on, as well as what need to be worked on so they are able to reach their academic goals. This is a great to ol for teacher because it allow them to make knowledgeable choices that can help the student’s goals in their educational career.â€Å"Although high stakes testing carries much of the weight for teachers there are possibilities to meet federal and state  regulations by cautiously and consciously planning lesson that provide students with multiple opportunities to be successful and apply language in content context† (GCU, 2012). For teachers to be able to do this they need to be better prepared at educating as well as supporting their states standards with ELP standards. Each lesson should be made that every student is given a chance to be successful. Being a teacher it is important to provide many opportunities for their students to be successful in their educational future. Alignment of Academic Standards with ELL Proficiency Standards The federal government has changed the ground work and the organization of scholastic lessons in the educational systems in 2001 with the â€Å"No Child Left behind Act†. The law say that each state is to embrace English Language Learners in the state assessment and evaluate the student’s language skill â€Å"with valid, reliable assessments in the areas of oral language and reading and writing skills, more specifically comprehension, speaking, listing, reading, and writing†(Cook, 2007). The requirements of these assessment also include assisting in the students’ accomplishment of the state’s academic achievement standards.Since the federal standards has been made to the educational system there needs to be a new method created and evaluated in the way that states and schools can continue adjusting and properly evaluating English Language Learners. The population of English Language Learners has made a tremendous growth in American, over the past fe w years the English Language Learners has grown more the twenty percent and is predictable to increase more with time. With the population growing in our educational system modifications had to be made.The laws specifies that all children who are disabled, don’t speak English, or disadvantaged still have an equal right to an education. For the reason of English Language Learner comprehensive span the United States wanted something that could adjust and help as a wide range obligation and or standard required to applied in the educational system, so with the No Child Left behind act allowed it to be done. Since the states have to follow and stand by assessment guidelines as well as academic standards with the No Child Left Behind act people ask exactly how the non- English students would fit into this law.Assessment must also be given with unlimited probability that a student will pass in the regular education curriculums, even though they definitely let each state establish t heir own specific procedures that met with these probability. The complicating part is it has to link using both state and government academic standards. The Arizona or TESOL English language learners’ standards obligatory are to work independently as a state but then again they are also obligatory to follow and manage the governments’ requirements. This can be completed by correctly combining the English language learners’ into groups.This act should only be used when placing the students into groups, by doing this allows for identify that level of each child, such as their comprehension level as well as how much they know about speaking, listing, reading, and written in English the language. There are many different levels that are personalized or tiered into separate classifications for the age varieties. Each group has requirements in addition to the complete outline and details to dimensions from, as well as the requirements that the government has and it d oes not matter which state you are in they are all the same.These standards are identified as English language Proficiency Standards (ELP). The English language Proficiency Standards come in many different segments beginning with the age, then finishing with separable accomplishment and understanding. To begin with the most important factor would be the stage of development of a child, the students need to be properly divided by their developing skill and accurateness in reasoning purposes. There are four different categories in the age group, first there is kindergarten to second, next third to fifth, following sixth to eight, last is ninth to twelfth.Once the correct stage of development has been recognized and properly entangled with other students, then it is on to evaluating the level of English the student knows and comprehends. Each level is important however the first level is entering level developing to the bridging level, this level means that a student is ready to join a regular classroom because they have a complete understanding and can intellectual ability to the English Language for all students this is the main goal to reach.However if a student is not at this level with the help of educators to support and assistance of the assessments every student will be at bridging level as fast as they can. Using the ELP standards in addition to mixing them into a teachers daily routine is a requirement in the classrooms today. Teachers should always reminder that every student is different and learn in different ways, so teachers need to teach in different ways in order for the students to learn successfully principally while learning literacy skills in reading.When using data it can be a very useful tool when helping students, it can be responsible for a helping teacher to get a better understanding of what a student knows, what they need to work on, as well as what need to be worked on so they are able to reach their academic goals. This is a great to ol for teacher because it allow them to make knowledgeable choices that can help the student’s goals in their educational career.â€Å"Although high stakes testing carries much of the weight for teachers there are possibilities to meet federal and state  regulations by cautiously and consciously planning lesson that provide students with multiple opportunities to be successful and apply language in content context† (GCU, 2012). For teachers to be able to do this they need to be better prepared at educating as well as supporting their states standards with ELP standards. Each lesson should be made that every student is given a chance to be successful. Being a teacher it is important to provide many opportunities for their students to be successful in their educational future.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

An Astrologer’s Day Essay

An Astrologer’s Day is a story of an astrologer who conducts his business near a court. He starts his work almost at midday . He spreads his professional equipment, which consist of a dozen cowrie shells , a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and a bundle of Palmyra writing . He’s a fine get-up of an astrologer, with his forehead shinning with sacred ash and vermilion. He has dark whiskers and sparkling eyes. To crown the effect, he wears a saffron-colored turban around his head. He sits at a place which’s frequented by all sorts-of people. Many hawkers cry loudly near him. And when its dark he gets light from a neighboring hawker. The astrologer was devoid of any professional training. During his youth he used to drink, gamble and quarrel. Once he hit a fellow villager hard on his head and assuming the person dead, he pushed him into a well. To hide himself from the police he ran away and settled as an astrologer in a town. Even though he lacked training, he had all the shrewdness and understanding of human mind and the causes of human worries. Thats why he could answer convincing questions to his clients. Once he had an encounter with a person before winding up his day’s work. The man wanted to get satisfactory answer to the question â€Å"Whether he’ll be able to find his enemy or not. The astrologer recognized him as his enemy in that dim light. He was the person whom he pushed into a well thinking he was dead. The astrologer struck a bargain with him. He gave such convincing answers to his questions that the man was fully satisfied. The astrologer told him that his enemy was crushed under a lorry and now he show never travel southward to avoid anymore trouble in his life. In this way he bade him good bye and got rid of his enemy. Reaching home the astrologer told his wife that a great burden was off his head as the person whom he thought to be dead was alive. He narrated the past incident to her. After this, he yawned and stretched himself on the pyol.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How did the psychological disorders, such as shell shock, in World War Essay - 1

How did the psychological disorders, such as shell shock, in World War I impact on the societal, cultural, and political level in West European countries such as Britain and France - Essay Example But the impacts were for a fact a concern. The impact can be seen from the aftermath prompt cure; cognitive re-structuring of various traumatic experiences (i.e. avoiding the past thoughts) and interacted with the therapist in the seeking for a cure. On social front many were unable to fit well into the society as a lot had changed during the cause of the war. Many of the soldiers were psychologically ill affecting their lives and individual families. After the war many traumatized soldiers from France and Britain soldiers shared several common symptoms – from twitches, anxiety, speech difficulties and digestive complications to more complex nervous indispositions. These affected the economic frontier of their countries since many were incapable to appropriately fit into the society. For instance, while doctors found it strange that these symptoms many times often never present in these countries until the solder was back in the original confines of civilian life. These psycho logical disorders in World War I impact on the societal level of Britain and France. The soldiers were largely unable to culturally transform in these European nations and unable to conform to the cultural expectations. The post psychological impacts such as shell shock have gone a long way in impacting on cultural aspect of the British and French societies. World War 1 can be considered as one of the hinge moment in the culture of the Britain and France. This can be largely attributed to the psychological experiences that were evident. Together the path of cultural effect was set one that set all the difference. Most notable was the impact was in cultural values such as traditional ideologies. The nature of the treatment become more integral part of the cultural heritage and later changed the cultural expectation and behaviors in Britain

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Effective Communication through Handwriting Term Paper

Effective Communication through Handwriting - Term Paper Example Handwriting is known to enhance communication by way of recording messages. The messages, however, have to fall within the limits of proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. It is only through these aspects of writing that the messages will be communicated effectively (Hodge, 2012). It is, therefore, important to point out that handwriting is greatly influenced by related attitudes, skills, knowledge and abilities that arise in the course of writing. Handwriting Components Skills and abilities ensure that an individual can easily coordinate his/her eyes and hand. The writer is able to follow the outlined sequence of movement to develop the desired or rather the correct shapes of letters. The legibility of handwriting is also determined by skills and abilities. A positive attitude is necessary to encourage a learner as he or she goes through the writing processes. The willingness and desire to try out different styles of writing are important. This is what results in personal styles of handwriting. Through the handwriting knowledge, a learner will definitely appreciate the fact that messages are usually conveyed through print. It is apparent that handwriting is one of the various skills in the writing process. An interesting fact is that similar writing techniques can easily generate various handwriting styles. It is also worth noting that the type of audience and purpose of writing greatly affect the choice of writing style and layout alike. Handwriting Skills It takes time to develop handwriting skills. The learner gains control handwriting patterns after a rigorous period of practice, demonstration and application of relevant contexts. At this point, all the related processes become automatic and can be used to convey effective communication. Letter Formation This crucial stage involves talking about the names, features and sounds relating to the letters in question. The idea of practicing letter formation enhances letter recognition in addition to developin g motor and visual memories. These memories relate to the significant features of the respective letters. A learner is able to feel the formation of various letters just by looking and trying out the writing movement. This simple exercise helps fix the respective letter in the visual memory of a learner for future reference (Barbe, 1984). It is then that it can be identified and even reproduced. To form a letter, the leaner ought to consider the start and finishing points, strokes and the direction of motion. The other aspects to be considered are spacing, size, alignment, cursive style, slope, linking, writing speed and pen lifts. The proportionality of letter shapes is very important as it dictates the size of a letter. The relativity of height and width is easily maintained when the bodies, tails and heads are equally proportional. The purpose of writing and the overall size of the writing surface greatly influence the size of a letter.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Strategic Marketing Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Marketing Management - Case Study Example However, road to foray into such diversified markets was not that easy and needed an innovation from Dell’s management and policy makers. This innovation was not restricted only to new strategies or tactics, but to a complete revamping of its culture and the way employer-employee relationship exists. Question 1 Dell had been operating as the Numero Uno player in the computer industry, leaving behind IBM and Compaq. All credit to its innovative direct-to-sell model. However, Michael Dell (CEO and Founder of Dell Corporation) felt the need to innovate further and extend the targets because according to him, golden sales figures are not always real and most of the times, they carry hidden threats. Even though Dell had been posting mammoth profits in its computer sales, yet innovation was required because of spreading discontent among Dell employees and diminishing influence of leaders. The innovation at Dell was the precursor to its expansion and diversification spree and as such , required a total revamping of the prevailing culture and norms. Every strategy comes attached with strengths and also some defects. Innovation strategy at Dell was strong in its inception and planning aspects because the leaders had smelled the nuances of employee detachments with the Corporation. As such, the innovation strategy was marked by a transformation in the personality and attitude of the leaders itself- Michael Dell and Kevin Rollins. This sparked new zeal, influence and respect amongst the employees that even the senior managers and company owners are so committed to innovate the company that they are ready to change the way they behave. Infusing cultural compatibility was the stepping stone and indeed one of the strengths of the innovation strategy pursued at Dell (Interaction Associates n.d). Two-in-a-box approach was another inspiring and influencing feature as well as strength of the innovation strategy (Park 2003). It fostered team spirit, shared working and syner gistic attainment of goals when two managers or employees worked in tandem. Another strong feature of Dell’s innovation strategy was judiciously planned and analyzed options. The motto behind innovation strategy was ‘efficient and not profitable operations’. This is why Dell even let go of many of new ventures and entry options which seemed lucrative but did not hold much scope of future promise. Innovation should not be at the cost of current positioning and secured market standing. Dell could have proceeded with the options, but what matters is the value which should be delivered to the customers in terms of efficiency, reliability and value (Dell 2002). This is what the biggest strength of innovation strategy was. However, being too rigid on pursuing strategic options and not developing the research and development abilities of the company counts as one of the weaknesses of its innovation strategy. Dell embarked upon many ventures but discontinued them in midw ay because of cost or feasibility options. This is something which is not expected out of an experienced and leadership position holding giant. Innovation is a risk-return tradeoff which was not understood and recognized by Dell. Some sort of employee induction problem is also apparent from the case which unveils concerns like absence of bottom-up management approach, lack of empowerment and creativity in employees and decisions flowing in from the top management cadre of the company. Question 2 Whatever market Dell enters or

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sustainability in Construction and the Integration of Building Essay

Sustainability in Construction and the Integration of Building Services - Essay Example It is in this context, two documents were determined to provide solutions to the built environment designs. The solutions proposed were different from one another because the first one was a proactive solution and the second one was a reactive solution to climate change. The CIBSE Briefing 8 (2003) was focused on providing new buildings and refurbishments design and operation solutions. The purpose of this proactive solution was to minimise or reduce the use of energy, which was identified as the major source of carbon emission that causes climate change. Meanwhile, the CIBSE Briefing 10 (2004) provided solution that focused on the reduction on the impact of climate change on the built environment. It is considered as a reactive solution because the design responded to the effects of climate trend to the built environment particularly to the thermal comfort. On the other hand, the former briefing was considered as proactive solution because it tried to prevent the causation of climat e change before it emerges. Further, both the information on the briefings was considered useful. However, the application of the building designs could be practicable to new buildings and refurbishments. It could also be used for existing buildings at the expense that it would need massive renovation. Likewise, the built environment design strategies that will be presented in the discussion could be considered in designing a social housing development in an inner city because they ensure economic and environment sustainability. Discussion Designing buildings to address the cause of climate change In the first document, the high consumption of electricity was the key issue. Therefore, it provided several recommendations which will serve as guidelines for the engineers and building designers in designing new built environmnet. The purpose was to provide the required internal environment and services with minimum energy use in a cost effective and environmentally sensitive manner (CIB SE, 2003, 1). The recommendations have included the following: energy- efficiency should be integrated in the client’s brief with all the necessary details support such as energy consumption targets, power density, and energy-efficient equipments to be installed, i.e. CHP or variable speed drives. The energy-efficient plan document should be compared to the standards set by the regulation policies. At the same time to be constantly reviewed while the design is in its installation process. The briefing also recommended that in designing building, design team should be considered and appointed before the building started in order to ensure good interaction between the disciplines. Project targets and life cycle costing should be utilized to promote teamwork. Third recommendation, design built form and services carefully in order to keep energy demand to a minimum. Further, using renewable energy sources, ambient energy and passive solution was also suggested in order to achieve this objective. Fourth, the use of ventilation hierarchy (see diagram below) as a guide was also recommended in order to minimize uncontrolled air infiltration. If possible find economical and environment friendly way to generate ventilation. Avoid the use of air conditioning since it could consume up to 50% of energy. Source: CIBSE, 2003 In addition, the building designers should incorporate in the design to optimize the use of heat gains, natural ventilation, and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Tenn-Tech Plc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tenn-Tech Plc - Case Study Example The situation demands a prompt and a proactive action from the top management. Hence it is vital to bring in a new management accounting approach that is more in consonance with the prevalent developments and circumstances. Resorting to throughput accounting seems to be just the right approach for Tenn-Tech Plc in the existing scenario. However, this is easier said then done. This calls for a total paradigm shift on the part of the key players and the stakeholders at Tenn-Tech Plc. It is imperative for the top echelons of power at Tenn-Tech Plc to be cognizant of the marked shift in their perception that an adherence to a new management accounting system will call for. Throughput accounting will not be merely an another management accounting system, but will be in fact an entire new way in which the organization under consideration will be required to perceive itself and its role in the global market scenario ("Throughput Accounting" 67). The basic fault with the activity-based costing system that till now was being resorted to by Tenn-Tech Plc is that it believes that the efficiencies yielded by the changes wrought in the localized factors within the company, be it the marketing department, manufacturing or any other section, will automatically lead to enhanced over all efficiencies (Corbett 38). That is why the directors and the top management are wasting their strength, time and efforts in criticizing and finding faults with the individual local sections wi thin the company. While the Financial Director seems to be at loggerheads with the Marketing Director, the Chief Executive Boris Barker has already given way to a serious labour problem with the aid of the Management Accountant Huggenkis, both of them being guided by their obsession for covering the unreasonable overheads. No doubt such moves appear to be narrowly reactionary in their approach, rather then being all inclusive and visionary. The basic fault with the management accounting system at Tenn-Tech Plc is that it is based on the fundamental premise that for an organizational chain to be really strong, it is a must that all the links in it be really sturdy and tough (Corbett 41). This definitely sounds good, but is surely not true in a real life scenario.Throughput accounting is an alternative approach to management accounting that holds that the eventual strength of an organizational chain is determined by the strength of the weakest link in that chain (Corbett 41). This app roach towards management accounting is based on the theory of constraints proposed by E.M. Goldratt in his novel The Goal. This approach will conclusively address the dilemma being faced by Tenn-Tech Plc, which is how to design a more efficient management accounting system. According to throughput accounting, the notion of allocating costs to products, which was till now being adhered to by Tenn-Tech Plc is inherently faulty and invariably leads to wrong decisions. As interpreted and suggested by the theory of constraints, Tenn-Tech needs to be viewed as a system that consists of several individual and interdependent elements. Thus the primary task before Tenn-Tech is to be conversant with the constraints existing within this system. According

Sunday, September 8, 2019

International business management report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International business management report - Essay Example The involvement of cross functional teams and different stakeholders therefore require project management to be governed in effective manner. This report will also include evidence from the various reports of National Audit Office on the success of implementing Shared Services in UK and will take practical insights from the same. ManCo’s decision to implement a shared service to manage certain business processes will require a systematic approach towards understanding how the overall dynamics of project management work besides how leadership can effectively contribute towards the success of the project. More collaboration needs to be on the development of agile systems which are not overly complex as well as fulfill the requirements of the internal customers of the project. This report will provide analysis and insights into how ManCo can manage the overall project of initiating the required changes in the processes. This report will further discuss about critical issues and p rinciples related with the successful project management. Key Principles of Project Management One of the key principles a project follows is the clear definition of what project is and how much the project manager is actually responsible for. In order to successfully launch the project of managing the shared services across different locations, it is important first to actually define what this project is and what it intends to achieve. Practically, however, project managers fail to clearly define the projects and determine the accountabilities for this. Various reports by National Audit Office (NAO) suggest that failure to clearly identify the purpose of project and who will own it can increase the cost for project managers. Definition of the roles and accountabilities is also another key principle ManCo must first determine. The people involved in the overall project, how cross functional teams will be formed and what will be the role of each member must be defined initially in o rder to avoid conflicts at the later stage. In order to successfully manage all the stakeholders, it is critical therefore that the roles and responsibilities of people to be involved in the overall project.( Brewer,& Strahorn, 2012) Another important and critical principle is the preparation of plan and the discussion of the same with that of the managers. As a project manager, I would therefore focus more on discussing the project and its deliverables and justifying various activities which will be undertaken in order to centralize HR, Finance, Payroll and other activities across different locations. Dissemination of information and properly communicating to all stakeholders is another important principle which needs to be followed. Not informing all the stakeholders involved may create further conflicts of interests and hence the overall governance of the project may become difficult to achieve. National Audit Office in its one of recent reports has suggested that there is a need to have in-house capability along with the business and technical expertise to manage shared services. As such, the project management principles for shared services require that in-house capabilities must be developed rather than outsourcing the shared services. Focus should be on improving the in-house efficiency and to leverage the same with tha

Saturday, September 7, 2019

In the news 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

In the news 5 - Assignment Example So far, all the efforts which have been made in Cuba to bring to end the violence in Colombia has not been successful since there has not been an end to cease fire, but has brought all sides to a conclusion on the necessity and importance of fighting drug trafficking. Having a negative image of drug trafficking, the government therefore faces the challenge of drug trafficking as it has to mobiles different factions and parties within the country to stop the lucrative trade while also promoting for the settlement of the displaced citizens. In my opinion, Santo’s approach to the conflict facing his country might just the much needed peace since by gaining the support on international community; solutions to the problems they are facing are reduced. In addition, his tactic of choosing negotiation over violence with the different guerilla factions in the region might just also be the solution to the violence which has plagued the region for centuries